Only his-okay, so maybe he’s a bit intense, and obsessive but –blah, whatever. He wants Amai to see what he will never be a match for Saitama and make him realize that he would never have Saitama. Genos wants nothing more than to wipe that smarmy smile off his face. Looking at Amai, he can also use this as an opportunity to show the condescending brick of make-up of what his Sensei is truly made of. Genos has another opinion on that matter, but he can certainly use this to his expense –to his Sensei’s expense. It seems like people bank their trust more on power than numbers. The public is more –distraught at the thought of HA losing Metal Bat, Darkshine, and Child Emperor than the thought of NH having more heroes on their side. He hummed beneath his breath, carefully analyzing the situation. It’s an old PR trick, and Genos doubts that it would even work-unless… Distract the people with something shiny, while they sweep the dust under the carpet. They tend to make it seem that the formation of Neo Heroes and the transfer of HA’s former heroes isn’t such a big of a deal as the public is making it seem. In their hope to save face, Hero’s Association decided to create a TV program that would let the public see another side of Heroes. He could use this to his advantage –to his Sensei’s advantage. Whilst holding himself back from incinerating everything and everyone in the vicinity, a thought formed inside his mind. Amai Mask truly tries his patience, and he hopes to imitate the same patience his Sensei had shown time and again. Genos rested his palms flat on the table in an attempt to calm himself down.