A digital output of the main mix is available via XLR AES/EBU. For outputs the mixer includes a balanced XLR mono output, a left and right pair of balanced stereo XLR main outputs, and 12 XLR mix outputs, as well as four 1/4″ mix outputs, four 1/4″ sub outputs, and a pair of 1/4″ monitor outputs. Additional inputs include four 1/4″ aux inputs and a dedicated XLR talkback mic input with phantom power. The unit features 32 input channels with 16 +48V phantom powered XLR XMAX microphone preamplifiers and 16 mic/line inputs via XLR-1/4″ combo jacks.

The redesigned digital “Fat Channel” was re-engineered from the ground up and features vintage-style EQs and compressors on every channel, recallable scene presets, virtual sound check, remote control using a Windows computer, Mac, or iPad, remote monitor mixing using an iPhone or iPod Touch, and all the software you need for live mixing, recording, and distributing your music online. In its third released version, the mixer is an integrated hardware and software system with 33 touch-sensitive, motorized faders and 33 recallable XMAX preamps. The PreSonus StudioLive 32 Series III Digital Mixer is designed for live sound reinforcement, live recording, and studio recording applications.